Streamlining Supplier Integration: How AI Enhances Product Onboarding

AdVon Commerce
August 29, 2024
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In the fast-paced world of retail, efficiency is key. One critical area where retailers often lose time and money is during the onboarding of new suppliers. Traditionally, this process can take weeks or even months, leading to significant delays in getting new products onto pdp pages and into the hands of customers. The longer it takes to onboard a supplier, the longer you’re missing out on potential sales.

AI product onboarding is revolutionizing this process by streamlining and accelerating the integration of new suppliers into retailer systems. By automating the collection and validation of product data, AI can significantly reduce the time required to onboard a supplier, allowing products to go live faster. This not only enhances the efficiency of the onboarding process but also improves the overall user experience by ensuring that product information is accurate and readily available to consumers.

Onboarding Cost

The cost associated with the traditional vendor onboarding process is not just measured in lost sales but also in the hard costs related to programming and integration. Manually connecting a retailer's database to a supplier's system can take anywhere from six weeks to six months. During this time, businesses incur significant expenses in terms of labor, technology, and lost sales opportunities.

AI-driven onboarding solutions help reduce these costs by automating many of the manual tasks involved in integrating new suppliers. These solutions can quickly map and validate product attributes, ensuring that all necessary data is correctly entered into the retailer's system. By reducing the time and effort required for onboarding, retailers can lower their operational costs and allocate resources more effectively.

Opportunity Costs

Every hour that a product is not live on a retailer’s site represents lost sales and missed opportunities. The delay in product onboarding means that customers cannot discover or purchase new items, leading to content discovery gaps and reduced revenue.

AI helps mitigate these opportunity costs by ensuring that products are onboarded and made available to customers as quickly as possible. With AI-enhanced onboarding, retailers can capitalize on market demand and stay competitive by getting new products in front of consumers faster than ever before.


AI is transforming the product onboarding process by reducing costs, minimizing delays, and enhancing the overall user experience. By leveraging AI, retailers can streamline supplier integration, maximize sales opportunities, and stay ahead in a highly competitive market. As the retail industry continues to evolve, adopting AI-driven solutions for product onboarding will become increasingly essential for businesses looking to optimize their operations and drive growth.

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